K. R. Adhia
Executive, Nirma Limited, Bhavnagar
Dear Shri Prafulbhai,
Visit to your website is no less than
a visit to a museum with rich heritage.
I guess lots of hard work has gone
in constructing a very aesthetic web presentation.
Wish you a great success in all your
received on: October
6, 2006 |
Rolf Ramseier
Eminent Autograph Dealer, Switzerland
Dear Praful,
Just had a look at your website and I'm enthusiastic
I love this site!
You showed a very wide range of autographs and I liked
the combination with stamps and coins.
I like to see collecting items of the country you are
a citizen of, I myself collected since several years
Swiss history autographs. I never saw before such a
good reference study for Mahatma Gandhi in every language.
I also like to see autographs from so many different
peoples (which I really don't know) from so many different
areas, like Famous Hair stylist or Firsts in India or
Celebrity Families!
And I also much like your slogan "Hobby is for
Health & Hobby is for Happiness" that's nearly
what is my own slogan! And you give an excellent advice
to new collectors on your "Hobby of autographs"
page! Much readable!
This is a fantastic website!
Congratulations & my respect to this excellent
Best regards from Switzerland!
received on: October
9, 2006 |
Raju & Sheetal
Numismatic Scholars, New Delhi
Dear Sir,
As unusual, you illuminate fellow collectors and people
in general's minds with your novel ideas. What a way
to celebrate Diwali!
received on: October 19, 2006 |
Ajit Wadke
Autograph Collector, Mumbai
I am grateful to you for the magnificent website hosted
by you. It will be immensely useful to amateurs like
me. You have done a wonderful job. You are having fabulous
collection of autograph photographs which you have systematically
divided in various categories. I wish you well in this
fascinating hobby and hope you will acquire more such
autograph photographs in future.
All the best.
received on: October 20, 2006 |
Vijay Deshpande
Eminent Autograph Collector, Mumbai
Dear Praful ji
Namaskar!!! Great work indeed!!!
Excellent presentation and nice idea to combine autographs
with their stamps. Unique indeed... Very Well done...
Congratulations!!! Keep it up.
I am proud to be associated with Mr Praful Thakkar...
Great feeling!!!
received on: October 20, 2006 |
Prashant Arora
Eminent Autograph Collector, Kolkata
Dear Prafulji,
You have done an excellent work. Thanks a million
for your great work.
The first thing I do whenever I do internet is that
I visit this amazing site for Indian Autograph Collectors.
I don't think there is any bigger example of Patriotism.
received on: October 20, 2006 |
Sanjay Joshi
Eminent Autograph Collector, Kolkata
"There are many peaks on Himalaya but most of
them are covered with snow. But there is one peak which
can not be covered by any snow and that is Mount Everest.
Similarly your dedicated website is as great as Mount
received on: October 21, 2006 |
Sanjay Joshi
Eminent Autograph Collector, Kolkata
"The rainbow is limited to few colors but the
rainbow, you have created in form of this website has
numerous colors of celebrities. Hence the beauty of
your rainbow is in a class of its own. And I am hopeful
that it will prosper with the passing of the time."
received on: November 12, 2006 |
Richard E Blanchette
Colorado, USA
Dear Praful
I looked at your new website. It is great! I knew you
had a lot of autographs, but was surprised at the range
of themes and people. It is just fantastic. The layout
is also very nice as the site is easy to navigate and
understand. All I can say is WOW! What an amazing collection.
Your love is obvious as is the amount of work and time
it must have taken you to assemble the autographs and
the information. I wish you could tell you something
that would improve the site, but I think it is wonderful
I am going to go back to it again soon and look at
more of the autographs. There are so many and all of
them are interesting. As you might expect, being from
the US I have to look up who some of the people are
since I am not as familiar with people like the film
stars. But, fortunately, I can look on the internet
to read about them.
I like your motto of "Hobby is for Health &
Hobby is for Happiness." I think that is really
true and states well why we engage in our own hobbies.
received on: October 21, 2006 |
Subhash Mehta
Eminent Gandhian Philosopher & Writer, Mumbai
Dear Shri Prafulbhai,
Your new website on Autographs is truly impressive
& encouraging. You have many plus points in your
personality inter alia you have been systematic, painstaking,
methodical & imaginative in your approach. I certainly
welcome your efforts in this direction.
received on: October 21, 2006 |
Gulu Ezeikel
Eminent Autograph Collector, New Delhi
Dear Mr. Thakkar,
I had the pleasure to go through your website. I must
say, it is highly impressive, in fact one of the best
I have ever seen.
received on: October 22, 2006 |
Admiral Sohail khan
Eminent Numismatist & Historian, Canada
My dear Praful Saheb
I have noted the new websites.
There are very few so devoted people in the world nowadays.
I am Surprised at your dedication and the amount of
effort you put into these things. Bravo.
I keep myself busy with history and historical books.
What else can I say but admire your work. May God give
you strength and Health and Happiness to continue these
received on: October 22, 2006 |
Saujanya Panchal
Sai Devotee, Ahmedabad
Atmaswaroopa Res. Shri Prafulbhai and family,
Really, the fantastic efforts you have made to launch
such wonderful web site. I am going to forward the same
to my known people. This is the unique hobby you have
developed and put on website. Only the people with good
company can develop such habit and make the people benefited
with such unique treasure. I am going to open web and
will enjoy the treasure. If possible few words of introduction
for every signature may add more interest.
Once more Congratulations for such TREASURE!
With warm regards-
received on: October 23, 2006 |
R. T. Somaiya
Eminent Numismatist and Scholar, Mumbai
My Dear Prafulbhai,
Many many congratulations for your new website on Indian
I very much appreciate your spirit to do something
new all the time. Our holy books say that lambs and
goats walk on beaten tracks but it is only lion who
makes his own path.
You are a Lion among our group and have strived your
best to give something which others have not been able
to do.
Hobby is for happiness and let us all enjoy it to the
With my warm regards and prayers that you continue
to give something new ALWAYS,
received on: October 24, 2006 |
Madhu Pabari
Former Deputy General Manager, Reserve Bank of India
Dear Praful,
I received your both the mails. I have gone through
the website on Indian autographs. It is really interesting
and gives in one place whatever one may think about
the autograph/s of any eminent personality/ies, in India
who are, directly or indirectly connected with the Indian
Culture and heritage. More interesting is the small
introductory informative write-ups given in each section
of the Gallery. It gives in brief the background and
the purpose behind each classified Section.
The "Collection" is really extra-ordinary
work and speaks itself about the loads of efforts gone
into it.
It is said that 'depression' has no medicine to cure
it. But it never sets in if one has developed good Hobby/ies.
Hobby is, therefore, for health. But your Hobbies give
mental food to others. I wish your Collection will prove
to be a guiding source of reference to others who are
pursuing the similar goal.
received on: October 25, 2006 |
Shivaji Sanyal
Manager-Exports & Business Services,
BASF India Limited, Navi Mumbai
Dear Mr. Thakkar,
You have done great job by introducing this website.
It is attractive, Well planned and informative.
received on: October 25, 2006 |
Major V Shankar, SC
Eminent Autograph Collector, Chennai. The website
is a true reflection of the passion of a very senior
collector. The website is designed very well. Autographs
truly represent a slice of history and what is a better
way than to showcase it through a wonderful website.
My heartiest congratulations to Prafulbhai for this
An autograph collector for the last 20 years, with
autographs of personalities including Mother Teresa,
Desmond Tutu, Don Bradman, Pele, Rod Laver, Rajendra
Prasad, Zakir Hussain, V. V. Giri, R. Venkatraman, APJ
Abdul Kalam, S. Radhakrishnan, George Bush, Neil Armstrong,
Edmund Hillary, MS Subbulakshmi, Bismillah Khan, Ravi
Shankar among many other Indian and World personalities,
I can truly appreciate the hard work and dedication
of Prafulbhai.
My heartiest best wishes and God Speed.
received on: October 28, 2006 |
Dr. Shailendra Bhandare
Asst. Keeper, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK. Dear
I had a look at your new website and cannot describe
my amazement and happiness in words!!
This is indeed a sterling contribution for enthusiasts
and hobbyists and like your other websites, renders
fascinating historical data accessible across the world
at the push of a fingertip!
Apart from collecting and assembling the details together,
which itself is such a Herculean task, I am full of
admiration and praise for your diligent regard to accessibility
which makes the life of so many researchers like myself
easy and thus more productive.
Please accept my heartfelt felicitations for all your
Sincere regards,
received on: October 31, 2006 |
Ashok Singh Thakur
Eminent Numismatist & Author, Chandrapur, Maharashtra.
The site is awesome. It's unimaginable. I am just wondering
how hard work you have done.
Done a great job. Just excellent.
I will proudly tell about the site to my friends and
Thanks and regards.
received on: October 31, 2006 |
Alan DeShazo,
Eminent Numismatist, Luciana, USA.
Dear Praful,
Your autograph website is really beautifully done and
of great interest.
Best regards,
received on: October 31, 2006 |
C.R. Krishnaswamy Rao Sahib
IAS (Retd.)
Padma Vibhushan-2006 Dear Sri Thakkar,
You must be complimented on the innovative effort you
have taken to create the website and make the information
available to all interested persons.
I wish you success in all your future efforts.
Yours sincerely,
Rao Sahib
received on: November 14, 2006 |
Mafatlal Sheth,
Chartered Accountant Dear Prafulbhai,
I was impressed to see your wonderful sight, in my
opinion this is the only sight worth looking at.
You have done a wonderful job which needs hours of
Labour and intelligence, its not an easy job.
Congratulations for developing such Informative site.
Wishing you all the progress in your adventure...
received on: November 25, 2006 |
Nelson Edward Lewis
Eminent Autograph Collector
Kingdom of Bahrain
Dear Mr. Praful Thakkar,
You are an amazing personality who has put your leisure
time to the best, optimum, fruitful and profitable use.
As I am also a collector of autographs, signed photos
of eminent personalities, I went through your website
to see what you have in your collection. A collector
can swell his collection by collecting mementoes from
not-so-famous personalities. However, you have real
quality stuff in your collection which will keep on
appreciating in value as time goes on.
You are going to leave a priceless heirloom for your
children and their descendants. They will be proud and
ever grateful to you. I am delighted to have bumped
into, through a coincidence, a very interesting, intelligent
and knowledgeable personality.
Let us be in touch through emails so that we can exchange
ideas which can be mutually beneficial.
With my best wishes,
Sincerely yours,
Nelson Lewis
Limca Book of Records Holder, 2003 & 2004 editions
received on: November 26, 2006 |
Jigar Desai
Autograph Collector, Mumbai Dear Prafulji,
Excellent presentation and nice idea to combine autographs
with their stamps.
Unique indeed... Very Well done... Congratulations!!!
Keep it up. I am proud to be associated with Mr Praful
Great feeling!!! I love this site very much.
Jigar Desai
received on: November 26, 2006 |
M.H. Ambareesh
Minister of State for Information & Broadcasting
Govt. of India, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001.
I am pleased to know that Shri Praful Thakkar has a
wonderful hobby of collecting autographs/photographs
of Indian celebrities and famous personalities who are
connected in some way or the other with India. His other
hobbies of collecting numismatics and para-numismatic
items are also appreciable.
His rich gallery of rare autographs of famous Indians
belonging to different generations and placed on the
website presents them most thematically. He has put
in tremendous effort in showcasing different theme under
which a collection can be made. I sincerely hope that
it would be a rare opportunity and an unforgettable
experience to all those who visit his website.
received on: December 2, 2006 |
Farokh S. Todywalla
Eminent Coin Auctioneer, Mumbai
Dear Thakkarsaheb,
We were very pleased to see this mammoth display of
Indian autographs on your website.The database is huge
and well presented.
As in the past, you have again pioneered and professionally
showcased to the world, this lesser known hobby. This
sure will give impetus to this hobby both in India and
globally where we find a growing population of Indians.
The website is indeed very user friendly and attractive.
The website is able to give a lot of information in
a simple format.
We would like to extend our heartiest congratulations
and best wishes for this yet another remarkable effort
done by you.
Best wishes,
Farokh S. Todywalla
Todywalla’s Auctions
received on: December 13, 2006 |
Abhijit D. Malwade
Autograph Collector, Thane Dear Mr. Thakkar,
It was indeed a fascinating experience to go through
your both websites. (i.e. autograph and medals) its
just marvelous.
Meeting you at the exhibition in Pune, helped me tremendously.
Your valuable advise about collecting was also very
Keep up the good work.
received on: December 19, 2006 |
904, 960 Markham Road
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M1H2Y4 Respected Sir,
First of all, I want to congratulate you for this wonderful
I have seen many people who collect different materials
but I hadn't seen any of them sharing their collections
to the whole world. Very very special thanks to you.
Your website is a major contribution to the world.
There are many lessons to learn from this website and
I surely hope that people will get many new lessons
from this website.
Once again a very grateful thanks to you.
received on: January 1, 2007 |
Binali & Milan Madani
Bostan, USA.
What a marvellous site!
This site is the blessings to all autograph collectors.
We must say that Mr. Thakkar has created this site with
great devotion, dedication and child like enthusiasm
and with the purpose of sharing and spreading his knowledge
to the world.
It is a true example of pride, passion and patriotism.
We could feel the enthusiasm of Mr. Thakkar. He has
created energy within us to pursue this hobby.
It was a great pleasure to visit this website and it
was a wonderful learning experience for us.
We have visited this site many times and always felt
like we are in an autograph museum!
Binali & Milan Madani
received on: January 6, 2007 |
Frank Wilczek
Nobel Laureate-2004 (Physics)
It's a very attractive website; you should be very
proud of it.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention, and of course
for allowing me to participate.
With best wishes for a healthy, prosperous, and productive
new year.
Frank W.
received on: January 8, 2007 |
• |
Dhananjay Joshi
Management Consultant in HRD
C-74, Jyotipark Society, New Sama Road, Baroda – 8.
Dear Prafulbhai,
It is amazing to see and feel your inner spirit of creativity and perseverance, which has given shape to this novel way of expressing gratitude towards great souls. Gifting such a marvelous piece of emotional galaxy to society in form of this web site shall be a great source of inspiration to many. Knowing you, I see it as an effort, which is much...much beyond Hobby.
I congratulate you for your great success and look forward for many more such meaningful contribution from your end in time to come.
received on: February 5, 2007 |